Friday, February 22, 2008

The Craft of Picking a Gazebo is Not a Very Easy One

A gazebo is an attractive addition to any yard or property. They serve a variety of purposes as a place to sit and relax or even a place to enjoy a drink with some friends while playing some cards.

When picking the gazebo that is right for you, there are a variety of things to keep in mind. Where should the gazebo be placed? Which gazebo should I pick? Why is this gazebo right for me? All these and even more questions may run through your mind. Let this quick guide help you pick the right gazebo for you and your property.

When picking a gazebo there are a variety of factors to take into account. Some quick questions that come to mind are 'where should I place the gazebo,' 'how big should the gazebo be,' and 'what should my gazebo look like?' The biggest choice that one must make is where the gazebo is to be placed. Answering this question will give you the ability to answer the any further questions you have. The size of the gazebo and how the landscaping should be shaped around it will all be answered with this question.

The placement of the gazebo should be centered on the most scenic part of the yard. Not only should it be placed in the most scenic part of the yard, it should be placed there so that anyone sitting inside the gazebo has the ability to see a 360 degree view of the most scenic part of your property. This gives you the chance to enjoy the scenery from any angle and does not allow anyone sitting inside the gazebo to feel as though they have been left out or need to sit a certain way to enjoy the surroundings.

By answering where you want the gazebo to be placed, you have given yourself the ability to answer how big the gazebo will be and what it should look like. The size of the gazebo should be done in comparison with the surrounding foliage. You do not want the gazebo to be so large that everything around it will feel as though it is dwarfed. You can get away with this by letting the foliage accent the gazebo. You could let a vine or two climb on the gazebo, which in effect makes the gazebo feel smaller and more apart of the scenery.

When picking the color and type of gazebo, the choice you make must look at the surrounding scenery. You don't want to pick a gazebo that stands out and brings all the attention to itself. You should pick one that accents the foliage and scenery around it. By letting it accent rather than draw attention, it will allow it to look much more natural.

There are a variety of things you could do to accent your gazebo. You may want to plant some flowers or shrubs around the outside. If you are a bird lover, you may want to place a birdhouse, birdbath, or some bird feeders right outside. If you love the tranquil sound of running water, you may want to accent it with small pond with a running fountain. The possibilities of what you could do are endless with a gazebo.

The choice of where to place the gazebo and which gazebo to pick is a tough one. There is no true answer as to which one is right for everyone or for every scenic property. The choice must be made on a case by case basis. This article has, hopefully, helped make your decision ma much easier one and given you much more time to do something you like, like tennis, softball, or Warhammer Online.


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