Monday, March 3, 2008

How to Choose the Right Tree for Your New Garden

Planting a tree in your garden is an investment of time and money. Choosing the right tree will make those investments pay off in the future when your tree begins to provide shade, flowers and even fruit.

In the new e-book "Gardening Made Easy" you will learn how to choose the right tree, how to plant your new tree and how to maintain it while it grows to maturity. Visit our site for your copy of "Gardening Made Easy" and have a look at this overview of the chapter on tree gardening.

Choosing The Right Tree For Your Yard

There are several factors that must be considered in choosing a tree that will flourish and provide shade for your yard.

You must take into consideration the amount of room available for the tree to develop, what areas of your property you want shaded, whether the root system will interfere with under ground and over head lines and how many trees you want in your yard.

You will also need to decide if you want a fruit tree, a flowering tree or just a beautiful shade tree.

Planting Your Tree

A tree must be carefully planted in order to grow and thrive.

The hole for your new tree must be dug approximately twice the size of the root ball and the root ball must be planted level with the surface of the ground to prevent the root system from drying out and killing the tree.

Although you should not fertilize your new tree for at least the first year, you must water it weekly. Giving your tree the proper amount of water will allow the root system to develop properly. A well developed root system means a full, lush, healthy tree!

Tom Straub is a successful author and webmaster of the Best Gardening Tips website. Discover everything you ever wanted to know about gardening... but never dared to ask.


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